【同义词辨析】 2019-06-05 有效effective-efficacious

effective: stresses the actual production or the power to produce an effect: an ~ rebuttal.   有效的反驳

effectual: suggests the accomplishment of a desired result or the fulfillment of a purpose especially as viewed after the fact: the measures to halt crime proved ~.   halt完全停止to stop completely,军事上叫立定,短语to come to a halt终结     可见这个词和effective意思基本相同,只是程度更高

efficient: suggests an acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy or resources in effecting, producing, or functioning: an ~ small car.   小型节能车   energy能源能量,resource资源

efficacious: suggests possession of a special quality or virtue that gives effective power: a detergent that is ~ in removing grease.

effective有效: 强调实际产生效果,effectual有成效: 表示成功实现了想要的结果目标,特别是从事后来看,efficient高效节能: 表示操作使用不浪费损失能量资源,efficacious特效: 具有产生效力的特质特长

记忆方法: 1)首字母4E四个效果多快好省<==有效       "多快好省"可能只是个理想,有人曾说: "多了就不能快,好了就别想省"--想取得好的结果,只能多投入时间精力

         2)有效的意思是能产生效果mean producing or capable to produce an effect.       effect效果: 跟随起因的事物implies something that follows a cause,另外effect和cause是固定搭配表示因果关系cause and effect,如the effects of radiation on the body辐射对身体的影响(效果